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"The advice on physical exercise and healthy eating has been first class. My weight has reduced (over half a stone), I am sleeping better and feel much healthier in myself. I have modified my eating habits in line with advice given and I am much more conscious of the types and amounts of food I eat.


"The programme has been of great assistance in getting me back on track. Overall, I am delighted with the assistance and advice given by the programme and am very grateful for the resulting positive outcomes for myself."

Anonymous HELP Participant

“The team has an excellent business planning model which links the needs of the locality, external funding and other opportunities.  Extensive and significant funding opportunities are explored with excellent success rates as a result of sound strategic planning.”


“Partnership working is an area of strength.  Partnerships are strong based on specific targeting and mutual benefit.  Partners are complimentary about the service that is provided specifically noting the high level of support and professionalism and the level of hard work and output.”

Quest Assessment Report

“My enquiry was answered very quickly and I was given a warm greeting.  It felt like calling a friend rather than a company which I think is great.”

QLM Mystery Visit Report

“Just a little email to say how much I am enjoying two of your services.  The Metafit class at Mill House on Tuesday lunchtime with Priscilla is fab, fits in with work and is great.  Also, I have been taking my 11 month old daughter to Buggy Bootcamp at Brierton, Priscilla leads this class and is great and the babies enjoy it too.  She gets the level right and makes it worthwhile going (hard workout!!).  I hope these type of classes continue and please pass on my compliment!! (all too often complaints are focused on, rather than compliments!!)  Well done!”

Mrs E Armstrong

“Following our conversation today, I would just like to follow that up with this email as you suggested. As you may be aware, I suffered my stroke back in May 2008 so it has been a bit of a journey so far in my recovery which is still ongoing.


"After discharge from Hartlepool General Hospital, I started both neurophysiotherapy at the hospital combined with GP referral classes. The physio sessions started at once a fortnight but later reverted to once every 6 weeks.  However in the same period, my GP referral classes increased from once per week to the current 3 classes per week as I gained strength, stamina and confidence.


"As from my last neurophysiotherapy session last month, I have now been discharged from physiotherapy at Hartlepool General Hospital as they believe my progress and future needs are best served through the GP referral classes. It is for this reason I wish to say a big thank you to you and your team without who I would not be where I am today.


"My aim is to continue to grow in both strength and stamina which will help both my balance and coordination. Once again a big thank you.  Please could you pass this message on to your team members and to whom you see fit to tell them this process actually works.”

Mr A Codner

“All the trainers, Lorraine, Alexa, Lucy and Liz at the Headland encouraged, educated and showed me how to get & stay fit.  I owe a complete change of lifestyle to all these people. They are the best."

GP Referral Participant

“I have been very impressed with the customer service of Kay Stokes.  I called to ask some advice on the Hartlepool Lime Triathlon and was blown away by Kay’s detailed explanation on the event and the process for registering.  This has given me the confidence to book and I am looking forward to taking part."

Mr J Tweddle

“My wife and I would like to take this opportunity of expressing our gratitude for the excellent service and care given by your employees at the Mill House Gym, Lorraine, Alexa and Lucie.  These young ladies have turned our lives around.  We both feel and look better than we have done for years.  We are now leading a more active life and feel so much younger.


"I am 82 years old this year and my wife will be 71 years old this year and we are both looking forward to a much healthier old age, thanks mainly to your gym and your training staff."

Mr & Mrs J Kennedy

“Having found this by searching for 'free days out', we found this wonderful park, in the heart of Hartlepool.  It was well signposted, so easy to find.  Parking is ample and free.  There is a great visitor centre which offers information, food and immaculate toilet facilities.  Dogs and horses are welcome, so it can be a total 'family' day out.  


"There are many wooden adventure style play areas and big boulders to encourage your kids to climb, with lots of seating for the parents.  It is also quite flat and I saw a few wheelchair users who managed the grassy pathways perfectly.  Best of all there is a fab BMX track and although it appears to be for older kids who are 'experts' on bikes, there were some very little kids too and the older kids showed patience and respect for all the kids there.  There was no intimidation at all. I can’t wait to return with our bikes, as our 6 year old can’t wait to try the BMX track. 


"This is a place for a great day out, whether you want to eat in or bring your own picnic and even better, it was free!”

Trip Advisor Comment on Summerhill Country Park

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