Our online booking and payments system is available for both active card holders and casual customers.
Active Card Holders
You can use our online booking and payments system to book sessions 8 days in advance.
You don't need to pay when you book, but you can if you want to speed up the entry process for your booking at the site.
You are able to set up an account to update your personal details that we hold, as well as being able to view all bookings made.
As well as the above, you are also able to cancel your booking online if you're unable to make it.
Casual Customers
You can use our online booking and payments system to book sessions 3 days in advance.
We do ask customers to pay at the time of booking to secure your space.
If you have any problems using our online booking system, please contact us on (01429) 523338 or by email active.hartlepool@hartlepool.gov.uk